College of Economics and Management

The Third International Symposium on Traffic Information and Logistic Engineering

           Main topic
  Track1: Vehicle engineering
1Engine control
2Electric fuel injection technology
3Power management
4Active suspension
5Electric and hybrid electric vehicles
6Air fuel ratio control
7Model of fuel cells
8Automatic cruise control and ABS
9Emission measurement technology
10Automobile Fault diagnosis technology
11Communication technology with vehicle
Track2: Traffic engineering
1Traffic flow models with applications 
2Traffic measurement technology
3Travel demand analysis and management 
4Traffic safety
5Public transportation
6ITS technology
7Advance control theory with traffic
8Guided transportation
9Transportation issues in developing countries
10Transportation planning and decision
11Traffic information
Track3: Logistic engineering
1Logistics information technology
2Logistics and supply chain management
3Logistic and electric commerce
4Transportation and logistic technology
5Modelanalysis and optimization with logistic issue
6inventory management system
7Logistic planning and decision
 The conference proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer Society. All papers accepted will be included in IEEE Xplore and  indexed by both EI Compendex and ISTP.