College of Economics and Management

A Macroeconomics Tour of the World

讲座时间:2023-10-18 15:00:00
主讲人简介:皇甫教授是悉尼大学经济系宏观经济学副教授。皇甫教授获得多伦多大学经济学博士学位。毕业以后一直从事宏观经济学相关领域研究和教学工作。主要研究方向是货币经济学,特别关注于采用理论、定量和实证方法研究货币政策、银行业和金融市场分析方面的基本问题。皇甫教授所著论文多次发表在全球经济学顶级期刊,包括 Journal of Economic Theory, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 以及 International Economic Review 等。这些论文获得了广泛的应用,改变了文献如何在摩擦市场安排交易的建模方式。皇甫教授以创立并研究可处理和现实的货币模型来研究与货币、银行和支付相关的重要问题而建立了国际声誉。除了在学术期刊上的发表,皇甫教授还在她的领域中表现出领导力并对其作出了重要的专业贡献。她曾担任澳大利亚宏观经济动态研讨会的组织委员会主席。该研讨会吸引了来自澳大利亚和亚太地区所有领先大学和澳大利亚储备银行等政策研究机构的60多名参与者。皇甫教授的专业知识得到了学术界的认可,以多种方式体现出来。2014年,她受邀加入澳大利亚宏观经济学协会董事会,成为当时最年轻的董事会会员。皇甫教授同时也担任多家顶级经济学期刊的审稿人以及多项研究基金的外部审阅人。

What is macroeconomics? This lecture provides a comprehensive view of what macroeconomists study. The lecture consists of two parts: it starts with a macroeconomic tour of the world. The tour begins in Australia and then stops at each of the world’s major economic  power: the United States, the Euro area and China. The purpose of the tour is to provide answers to the two major questions that macroeconomists ask when they first look at a country: How big is the country, from an economic perspective? And what is the living standard?

The second part of the lecture introduces the three central variables of macroeconomics: output (GDP), unemployment, and inflation. Particularly, the issues that we will address are: how do economists define output, the unemployment rate, and the inflation rate, and why do economists care about these variables? What factors affect output in the short run, the medium run, and long run?